
Industrial Heater – Herschel Advantage IRP4

RRP: $1,999.00

We recommend the Advantage IRP4 Heater for Industrial and Workshop space heating applications. This 2600W ceiling-mounted unit is designed for spaces providing adequate clearance from the ground (2.5 – 3m) and from the ceiling above (minimum 125mm) and from the nearest wall (minimum 1.5m) and is easier to install and maintain than hot air blowers or gas-burning “space ray” type heating systems and is more comfortable than other forms of electric heating often used in these environments. There are additional benefits:

  • As there are no exhaust emissions there is no requirement for planning;
  • They operate silently and without fumes – consequently raising no health and safety issues;
  • Installation is much cheaper than oil or gas alternatives – all you require is electric cable;
  • No maintenance. You do not have to maintain an infrared heater once installed;
  • You can “focus” the heat exactly to where you want it – because there is no convection of heat, none is wasted blowing into areas it is not wanted;
  • Far Infrared has been shown to have positive effects on metabolism, being the waveband at which water (80% constituent of skin) most effectively absorbs heat.

Space heating can be used anywhere there is a requirement to heat a large volume and where the heaters themselves can be placed well out of reach. So workplaces like workshops, industrial or commercial units, warehouses etc make ideal locations for heaters of this sort.

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